
  by Dr. Saurabh Deshmukh  

Sparsh Ayurveda's
Health Recommendations

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, offers several tips for preventing psoriasis. Here are some of the key recommendations

1. Follow a healthy and balanced diet: A healthy and balanced diet is essential for preventing psoriasis. It is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, fried foods, and foods high in sugar.
2. Avoid triggers: Certain triggers such as stress, alcohol, smoking, and certain medications can exacerbate psoriasis. It is recommended to avoid or minimize exposure to these triggers.
3. Practice stress management: Chronic stress can exacerbate psoriasis. Ayurveda recommends practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises to manage stress and promote relaxation.
4. Keep the skin moisturized: Dry and cracked skin can trigger psoriasis. It is recommended to keep the skin well-moisturized with natural oils such as coconut oil or olive oil.
5. Use natural remedies: Ayurvedic herbs such as neem, turmeric, and aloe vera have anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties. They can be used topically or taken internally to help prevent psoriasis.
6. Practice good hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene is important for preventing psoriasis. It is recommended to bathe daily, use mild soaps and shampoos, and avoid harsh chemicals and fragrances.
7. Seek professional guidance: If you have a family history of psoriasis or are experiencing symptoms, it is important to seek guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can provide tailored recommendations based on your individual needs and constitution.

Dr. Saurabh Deshmukh

List of do's and don'ts
For managing Psoriasis in Ayurveda


1. Dietary Guidelines:
  • Consume foods rich in bitter taste, such as bitter gourd, Neem, and leafy greens.
  • Include turmeric in your diet for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Favor foods that are easy to digest, like soups and stews.
  • Drink herbal teas with anti-inflammatory herbs like Neem, turmeric, and ginger.

2. Lifestyle Habits:
  • Practice regular meditation and deep breathing exercises to manage stress.
  • Establish a daily routine that includes adequate rest and sleep.
  • Engage in gentle exercises like yoga and walking to improve circulation.
  • Protect your skin from harsh weather conditions and direct sunlight.

3. Ayurvedic Treatments:
  • Undergo Panchakarma therapies, such as Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and Basti (enema), under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.
  • Topical application of medicated oils, like Neem oil or coconut oil, can be beneficial.
  • Use Ayurvedic herbs internally, such as Aloe Vera, Turmeric, and Neem, after consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner.
  • Detoxify the body regularly through Ayurvedic cleansing practices.

4. Hygiene:
  • Keep the skin clean and moisturized with natural, non-irritating products.
  • Bathe in lukewarm water using mild, herbal soaps.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing made of natural fabrics.


1. Dietary Restrictions:
  • Avoid sour and fermented foods, as they can aggravate Pitta dosha.
  • Restrict the intake of spicy and oily foods that can increase inflammation.
  • Minimize the consumption of red meat and seafood.

2. Lifestyle Practices:
  • Avoid excessive exposure to stress and stressful situations.
  • Refrain from scratching psoriasis lesions, as it can worsen the condition.
  • Avoid hot baths and showers, as hot water can exacerbate skin dryness.

3. Environmental Factors:
  • Avoid exposure to extreme weather conditions, such as excessive heat or cold.
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight, especially during peak hours.

4. Avoiding Suppression:
  • Do not suppress natural urges like urination and bowel movements.
  • Avoid self-medication without proper guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner.
  • Steer clear of harsh chemical-based skincare products.

Causes and Preventive Measures
For Avascular Necrosis (AVN)

Causes of AVN Preventive Measures
Idiopathic (Unknown Cause) While idiopathic cases are less predictable, maintaining overall health and addressing controllable risk factors can be beneficial.
Sickle Cell Disease Manage sickle cell disease with appropriate medical care.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Control and manage SLE symptoms with medical supervision.
Gaucher's Disease Follow medical advice for the management of Gaucher's disease.
HIV Infection Proper management of HIV with antiretroviral therapy.
Hypercoagulable States Address underlying hypercoagulable conditions with medical guidance.
Organ Transplantation Monitor for potential complications post-transplantation and follow medical recommendations.
Chemotherapy Discuss potential risks and preventive measures with healthcare providers before undergoing chemotherapy.
Excessive Corticosteroid Use Use corticosteroids judiciously, and if possible, explore alternative treatments. Regularly monitor bone health.
Joint Decompression Procedures Follow post-surgery rehabilitation guidelines to reduce complications.
Obesity Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Smoking Quit smoking, as it can impact blood circulation and overall health.
Radiation Exposure Minimize unnecessary exposure to radiation. Discuss potential risks before any radiation therapy.
Regular Health Check-ups Regularly monitor overall health and seek medical attention for any concerning symptoms.
Physical Therapy Engage in physical therapy for joint health and mobility.
Blood Circulation Support Adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle to support proper blood circulation.

Ayurvedic skincare tips
A more detailed breakdown

Skincare Aspect Ayurvedic Recommendations
Know Your Skin Type Understand your Dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and choose products accordingly.
Balanced Diet Consume fresh, seasonal fruits, vegetables, and nourishing fats. Avoid processed foods and excessive spices.
Hydration Drink lukewarm water throughout the day; herbal teas like chamomile or mint can be beneficial.
Detoxification Consider periodic detoxification like Panchakarma under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.
Daily Routine (Dinacharya) Align daily activities with natural cycles, including early waking, oral hygiene, and self-care rituals.
Oil Massage (Abhyanga) Perform regular oil massages using Dosha-specific oils (e.g., sesame for Vata, coconut for Pitta, mustard for Kapha).
Herbal Cleansers Use gentle, herbal cleansers with ingredients like Neem, turmeric, and aloevera.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals Opt for natural, Ayurvedic formulations without harsh chemicals; prioritize ingredients like sandalwood, rose, and saffron.
Protect from the Sun Shield skin from the sun using natural sunscreens or Ayurvedic formulations with aloe vera, sandalwood, or red sandalwood.
Cooling Herbs for Pitta Incorporate cooling herbs like rose water, mint, and chamomile for soothing Pitta skin.
Moisturize According to Dosha Choose moisturizers based on Dosha—rich oils for Vata, cooling ingredients like aloe vera for Pitta, and lighter options for Kapha.
Manage Stress Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga.
Stay Active Engage in regular, moderate exercise to improve blood circulation and promote healthy skin.
Adequate Sleep Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to support skin regeneration and overall well-being.
Stay Positive Cultivate a positive mindset, as emotions can impact overall health, including skin health.
Gentle Exfoliation Use natural exfoliants like chickpea flour (besan) or oatmeal to gently exfoliate the skin, promoting a healthy glow.
Herbal Face Masks Apply Ayurvedic face masks using ingredients like turmeric, sandalwood, and honey to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.
Eye Care Reduce eye strain by practicing eye exercises, using rosewater-soaked cotton pads, or placing cucumber slices over closed eyes.
Tongue Scraping Include tongue scraping in your oral hygiene routine to remove toxins and promote overall oral health, which is connected to skin health.
Nasya (Nasal Cleansing) Practice Nasya oiling (nasal cleansing) using a drop of warm sesame oil to lubricate the nasal passages, promoting clear skin and respiratory health.
Internal Nourishment Consume skin-friendly herbs internally, such as aloe vera juice, turmeric, and Triphala, after consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner.
Aromatherapy Use Ayurvedic essential oils like lavender, rose, or chamomile for aromatherapy to relax the mind and promote emotional well-being.
Seasonal Adjustments Modify your skincare routine according to seasonal changes, as different Doshas may predominate during various times of the year.
Ayurvedic Teas Include Ayurvedic teas with skin-friendly herbs like Neem, licorice, or Manjistha to support detoxification and skin health.
Mindful Eating Practices Practice mindful eating, paying attention to the flavors and textures of your food, which can positively impact digestion and skin health.
Pranayama (Breath Control) Incorporate pranayama, such as Sheetali and Bhramari, to cool the body, reduce stress, and support skin health.
Cleansing from Within Drink warm water with a squeeze of lemon in the morning to support digestion and detoxification, reflecting positively on the skin.
Adequate Rest for Eyes Ensure you rest your eyes regularly, especially if you spend long hours in front of screens, to prevent strain and puffiness.
Mind-Body Connection Recognize the mind-body connection; emotional well-being influences skin health, so cultivate positive emotions and manage stress.


Excellent consultancy for skin disease through Ayurveda.
Definitive satisfactory results in all types of skin disorders.
- Minal

When we were living in Kurla, he was our family doctor.
Very good treatment given at all times.
Thank you. - Utkarsha Landge

Dr. Sourabh Deshmukh is a well-known skin specialist in
all types of skin disorders. He has a specialty in giving satisfactory
results within a minimum period of time.
- Manisha Choudhary

Really great results by Ayurveda, go for it.
Will recommend surely. It's one of the best skin clinics with
the best results and the best consultant, of course.
- Ashwini Nilesh Ingle

Excellent consultant for skin disease through Ayurveda.
- Shreyas

Result-oriented treatment. Please take benefit of the same.
- Ankush Meghal

Best doctor in chronic skin diseases.
- Bhavesh Dangore

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